Where the Prairie Meets the Water.
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We Are Ready to Assist You

City Hall 
P.O. Box 100
104 N. Main Street
Grandview, IA 52752-0100

Phone: (319) 729-4013
Email: grandview@louisacomm.net

Monday - Appointment only

Tuesday - Thursday 7:00 AM to 3:00 PM

Friday - Appointment only

(After hour emergencies contact the Louisa County Sheriffs Office 319-523-4371)

An asterisk (*) below denotes a required field.

After hours non-medical emergencies, City related issues contact 319-212-0408 or 319-212-4021

*First and Last Name:
E-mail Address:
*Phone Number:
*Comment or Question:
*Would you like to be contacted? (Check one box only, please):
Yes, call me
Yes, e-mail me
Yes, either call or e-mail me
No need to contact me

* - denotes required field

Official Website of Grandview, Iowa.
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